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The Daily Toad: Proudly disseminating sensationalised rubbish since 1645. 30th March 2009.

Privacy groups cautious over Google's new 'Front Room View'


Google's new 'Front Room View' allows users unprecedented access to people's homes

Privacy groups were yesterday cautious over Google's plan to map people's homes with their all new 'Front Room View', and has declared that although the new service will be 'way cool', especially if they can look into Patty Simcox's bedroom, there might be issues if their own rooms were looked into, especially under the bed.

The system, which allows users to access the interior rooms of everyone's homes and examine their entire lives in minute and relentless detail is part of Google's plan to digitise everything that can be digitised, and requires homeowners to hand over the front door keys while Google technicians digitise the entire house.

"Obviously, we will endeavour not to show anything of a private nature and have new technology in place to blur out the faces of mistresses, and members of the Lithuanian mafia, since the last thing we want to do is cause any needless embarassment."

Google hope to launch 'Sock Drawer View' in the Autumn.
Josh Hatchett, reporting for The Toad.

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