This is probably where we
are at present:
Book the First: Red Side Story UK: 6th February 2024, USA and Canada: 8th May 2024. A direct sequel to Shades of Grey that takes place straight after Eddie and Jane's Ishihara. Will Violet deMauve marry Eddie to further her Purple Dynastic ambitions? Will Eddie and Jane be spared the Green Room over Courtland's death? What is it with swans, and how does Eddie take to running the Linoleum factory? All this and the Gyrobike, Jollity Fair, extreme Topiary and how to make yourself invisible to swans... Pub date (UK) Feb 6th 2024. No publication date yet for the North American market.. Book the Second: Dark Reading Matter We are with Thursday again as she journeys into the unobservable Bookworld. To be written 2023/24, published 2025, UK and US+Canada. Book the Third: Shelbert Poody is Someone Else* Satiric comedy along the lines of Early Riser and Constant Rabbit. 2026. * Likely. Maybe. Probably. May do SofG III instead. Not sure. Updated Nov 2023 |