
Difficult Acrostic Puzzle
Arsinoe Chi sent in this acrostic that uses a slightly abridged version of a quotation from The Well of Lost Plots. (If you're unfamiliar with the form, an acrostic puzzle features the simultaneous solution of a quotation and a series of clues, where the initial letters of the clue answers provide the author and source of that quotation.)

I'm dreadful at ordinary crosswords, so I had no chance with this one. It is in PDF format and can be downloaded by clicking HERE (It is only 24K)


The first two people to complete the puzzle will each win a complete set of 'Advelopes' and a T shirt of their choice. Send your completed answers to me at: jasper (at) jasperfforde.com.

Mike Teuller of Provo Utah was the first person to answer all the clues successfully, and Janet Coburn was the second - Congratulations to the both of them who clearly have vast intellects (or bigger than mine, at any rate)

To download the answer, click HERE