Wales: Begwyns Hill Cloudfest, Friday, 2nd August 2013.
We've been having some spectacular clouds recently after the stormy weather, and the best time to go cloud watching is just after a downburst, and when the sun is low, or set)
The Begwyns (A low range of hills to the East of us) affords a good uninterupted view of the sky in all directions. My favoutite spot is what we call "The Dragon's Nest' which is actually a rough stone circle on one of the hilltops.
All these pictures were taken between 20:38 and 9:04 as the clouds twisted and contorted into bizarre shapes right in front of my eyes.
(Six images)
Camera: Lumix GF1, either with 45mm or 90mm Leica lens, stitched in photoshop, but WITHOUT colour tweaking or enhancement.