Harry Kemelman. He wrote a very good series of crime novels featuring detective Rabbi David Small (fairly original - G K who?) which were pretty good as it happens (and very informative about Judaism). They had themed titles;
Sunday the Rabbi Stayed Home
Monday the Rabbi Took Off
Tuesday the Rabbi Saw Red
(Wednesday and Thursday I forget)
Friday the Rabbi Slept Late
Saturday the Rabbi Went Huingry
One Day the Rabbi Will Leave (I think)
But guess what? They're out of print. Oy gevalt. Which doesn't help Ann Marie much, but! Have you read the Flashman series by George Macdonald Fraser? fantastic funny historical novels, highly recommended. Oh, and the Jeeves stories by P G Wodehouse. Perfect summer reading. And if you really want to get a handle on the British character, how about Spike Milligan's war memoirs, or ... oh, dang it, just go to [
members.aol.com] and read the list there.
Post Edited (07-08-03 22:10)
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I am very interested in the Universe. I am specialising in the Universe and everything surrounding it. - E. L. Wisty