
Nextian Goodies
For the winner of the Lost in a Good Book auction.

A whole host of Nextian Goodies...

Here it is, a whole heap-and-a-hoop of dazzling rubbish that belongs to the winner of the Lost in a Good Book spare part auction. The goody-bag contains, but is not limited to, the following: Fully-functional entroposcope, bag of Dream Topping, Autograph book, tee-shirts, pictures, SpecOps visitor passes, tickets to various Swindon events, Skyrail pass, advelope, SmileyBurger fries packet, etc, etc. Plus of course, two signed copies of Lost in a Good Book (US edition.) Sound tempting? Much of this stuff is personalised to the winner, and remember, your bid goes wholly to the Usk House Day Hospice and is for a very good cause indeed. The winners of the UK auction were David Graham and Molly Maguire, for the US it was James and Catia Plummer. My thanks to them both, and Maureen Duffy and David and Yolanda Kusumoto, who, while not actually winning the auction, still cotributed to the Usk House. Hoorah! (you can see more details in the giveaway section, item TNU 048