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Interest free credit is clever hoax, say Goliath financial experts

"It's a non-April April Fool!" Say Goliath financial experts, after studying ConStuff's plans for an interest-free credit scheme on its own inferior products and services. "Put it this way" said another leading financial advisor, "would you trust a company that charged you nothing? Have you heard the saying about how there is no such thing as a free lunch? Well, this is about the freest non-lunch I've heard of!" Initial examination of ConStuff's plans looked good, with the payments spread over many months and the loss of revenue from the loan offset against the inflated price of the product, but after more careful consideration, the facts just didn't stack up.

"Interest-Free credit might look good to begin with" said a spokesman, "but to be honest we think this is just a cheap ploy to cheat consumers into buying tatty rubbish that they just don't need."

There are attendant health risks, too. Mr Lawrence of Pangbourne told a reporter: "I bought a sofa using ConStuff's 'Interest-Free' sales gimmick, and within a week I had come up in unsightly warts covering 87% of my body. I sent the sofa back and am considering legal action"

Mr Lawrence wasn't the only person to suffer warts as a result of interest-free credit, and health experts all agree that more safeguards need to be in position before such an idea is tried again.

On a further note, Goliath will be introducing a system of 'Deferred Payment Scheme' as a way of buying its own products and services, details of which will be available soon.
Something you don't need and can't afford.
All possible with the new Goliath 'Deferred Payment Scheme'
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